วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Kongoi Jungle Trekking : Biography of jungle guide : ) Raht

Kongoi Jungle Trekking : Biography of jungle guide : ) Raht

1. TAT license # 13/503,
2. Special Guide license # 15/0066 (green card) by Tourism authority of thailand (T.A.T.)
Jungle guide Certificated from Chiangmai Rajabhat University: ecotourism, etnic group, sustainable tourism,
3. Special Guide license # 19/0215 (purple card) Natural tourism on Kohchang by Tourism authority of thailand (T.A.T.)
Sawadee khab or Hello! I am explored guide who do jungle trekking on kohchang more than 8 experienced years. My name is “ Raht ” who will take you to visit the tropical rainforest, which path start walking from the south kohchang northward to middle heart of island. I have to explored the jungle path every year deeper for given you new experience in hidden green forest. There are many flora & fauna that sometime I have never seen them before. And I will take photos for search internet or asking someone who have known well, my friend from USA, Dan have experienced about Boa and reptile who give my knowledged extend. I wish to share opinion with you one of the most beautiful rainforest areas in Thailand.
On the jungle tour, not only I will be accompanied with you, I also look after you in Kongoi Jungle Trekking. Me&friend had explored, make the jungle path as hard as the beautiful, to inviting you to walk in new site every year.
This is a full day excursion and is geared for the more adventurous ones that aren’t afraid to sweat. Would you like to challenge yourself one time for this trip? You’ve traveled this far, why not try experience the spectacular rainforest of Kohchang, the 2nd largest island in Thailand?
I hope to see ‘n make you an enjoy day of “kongoi jungle trekking” when you do valued holiday on Kohchang.
Best regards,
"Jungleman" Raht
E-mail: kohchang_trekking@yahoo.com Tel: (66) 089-763-0832, 080-773-7009

